Jacqueline Breger Drops Bombshell Allegation Of Cartel Connections at AZ Committee (VIDEO)
Vanilla hearings turn suddenly spicy with allegations of racketeering against the sitting Governor

Jacqueline Breger is the kind of expert with serious credentials that officials love to call upon for testimony.
At the very beginning of the hearings, she recaps her relevant experience, which includes a Masters’ degree in marketing, an honors degrees in financial accounting, business statistics, economics, and business strategy. She knows a thing or two about a thing or two.
In the past few years, she has been an investigator for the Harris Taylor law firm looking into multi-state racketeering and corruption, charged with reviewing a case file as to whether any money related to a racketeering conviction of several escrow companies and title insurers had filtered down to properties in particular counties of Arizona.
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
A pattern of money being laundered through private residences has turned up.
From 2:04, she describes the pattern of fraud that prompted the investigation.
In the process of looking into one fraudulent scheme, she stumbled on another prompting (at 2:58) another investigation. These transactions, she explains (3:54) evidence multiple racketeering enterprises, including: narcotic sales; money laundering; tax evasion; payroll theft; bankruptcy fraud; life insurance fraud; auto insurance fraud; bribing of elected and appointed officials; creating and modifying public record; falsifying professional licenses and related credentials; swatting in the individuals who pose a threat to these Enterprises; and last but not least election fraud.
The last point is what prompted her to appear before this committee, but that was not the most explosive of any of her testimony.
At 4:33 she acknowledge she had been asked to speak about a compromised computer system, but indicated she would first cover some other important points showing evidence of racketeering, and how that issue might related to their broader question.
Her document itself runs about 300 pages with approximately 3000 attachments. At 7:01 she begins to detail the rise of cartels using Arizona single-family properties (besides several methods she names) as a money-laundering tool. Since 2010, (she says at 8:25) she has determined some 7.5 Billion dollars has been used in part to bribe elected and appointed public officials and their support staff.
She has tracked more than 10,000 falsified documents in the Maricopa county recorder’s office and estimates that as many as 35k bogus transactions exist. (8:49) Two specific people (Brittany and Donna) have been identified in running the operation and Breger’s testimony includes allegations of a private city police force that is on the take (9:57) and protecting the racketeering in Mesa.
The list of specific allegations against that private police force (10:13 and following) look like they are straight out of Batman’s Gotham. That opened the way for a litany of other shocking wrongdoing well beyond the scope of this article.
She raises some points relevant to the question of election integrity from 12:15 to 19:40.
At about 19:40, the conversation pivots to Katie Hobbs in particular.
Between that timestamp and 27:36, she lays out a pattern involving deeds of trust involving Kathleen M Hobbs and Patrick T Goodman as well as Brittany and Donna which give someone with her forensics background reason to believe that Katie Hobbs is participating in a racketeering scheme.
From there, she gives testimony more particular to the election itself — including some specific vulnerabilities in the overall system used in Maricopa.
If these allegations hold up, Arizona has a Governor who is indebted to the Mexican cartels — and a lot more than just her in a variety of powerful positions.
With five million people pouring over the border, it beggars the imagination as to what other places could be similarly implicated.
This is finally confirmation that AZ and Katie Hobbs are all cartel participating criminals