
Why Did Weiss Give Biden Donor 2 Years In Prison While Refusing To Investigate The Big Guy?

Has Weiss already shown evidence of political corruption in his handling of Tigani's case?

Would you be salty if you served 2 years in prison over illegal political contributions you thought were legit… but the same political family who set you up skated on worse charges?

That’s the situation Chris Tigani just found himself in.

After Beau and Biden Hunter came to him looking for $100k in billboard money during the 2008 presidential campaign, he said he only had about $75K. Joe Biden’s campaign finance director taught him about ‘bundling’ and Tigani trusted that the advice he had been given was above board. He even entered it in his tax records under ‘political donations’. The FBI told him otherwise.

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Tigani pleaded guilty and cooperated with the FBI by wearing a wire for four months to try to entrap local businesspeople, lobbyists and state politicians — but never a Biden.
Despite the fact that he was in trouble for donating to Joe Biden’s campaign, Tigani says the FBI never asked him to record conversations with anyone in the Biden family. The bureau even slapped down his suggestion that he go to Washington, DC, and try to get the then-vice president on record.

“They were not terribly interested in that part of the investigation,” he recalls. “They wanted to get other people … The FBI were political when they were investigating me.”

He suspects someone tipped off the Biden campaign that he was wearing a wire, because when he tried to get Toner to repeat what he had told him about bundling back in 2007, he hit a dead end: “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” said Toner on the phone, “and I don’t know who’s listening to this call.” — NYPost

It’s interesting that Tigani names both Biden boys, incuding Beau Biden, as suggesting the billboard donation in the first place. Beau was serving as AG for Delaware.

Is that why the FBI did NOT encourage him to wear a wire against the Biden family? Why else would they exclude the only politicians for whom he had committed an illegal act?

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