‘Progressive’ Programs Of ‘Euthanasia’ Have Uncomfortable Similarities To Third Reich
So much for that 'never again' pledge

It’s easy to peer backward through history and say a country like ours would never make a mistake like THAT.
We ask ourselves how the Germans in 1930 didn’t read the signs and see what was coming? In reality, many did see the signs. The problem was in getting others to care… and getting them to speak out when things started small enough that public outcry might have made a difference.
The Holocaust, for example, didn’t begin by rounding up trainloads of victims and stuffing them into gas chambers. It began with a much more modest — and science-driven — concern.
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They adapted the American Progressives idea of Eugenics, and the sterilization of undesirables and took the social Darwinism of the day to the next step. Some people were considered a drain on society and were therefore unfit to live.
What you and I would call ‘compassion’ in caring for the infirm and disabled, they would call weakness.
The Aktion T4 program targeted disabled adults in Germany and Austria, murdering them in gas chambers attached to institutions. Though it is the most well-known of the programs that specifically targeted disabled people, it was not the first, and not the only one.
The murder of disabled children began on July 25 1939, and was soon part of the procedure of designated hospitals throughout Germany and Austria. In September, the Nazis began murdering the patients in the asylums of the countries they occupied, beginning with Poland.
The first victims of Aktion T4 were murdered in October – the program had a quota of 70,000 victims. When this quota was reached, most of Aktion T4’s staff were assigned to establish the “final solution”, and the euthanasia of disabled people was transferred to hospitals — The Conversation
Surely we have learned our lesson, and would never let anything like that happen today.
Netherlands programs have euthanized otherwise healthy individuals with autism and intellectual handicaps in recent years, researchers have found.
Five individuals under the age of 30, who cited autism as a factor in their decision to seek legal euthanasia, are among the cases reviewed by specialists at the U.K.’s Kingston University.
“Factors directly associated with intellectual disability and/or ASD were the sole cause of suffering described in 21% of cases and a major contributing factor in a further 42% of cases,” Kingston University’s report on the issue found. — FoxNews
It’s not just a Europe thing, either.
Carr said that while efforts to quash Bill C-7 were unsuccessful, Inclusion Canada will continue to fight to have the changes in C-7 repealed and prevent expansion of access to MAID. She called the existing law “ableist” and “discriminatory.”
She said her organization is hearing from more and more people with disabilities who are giving up on living decent lives. She said she’s particularly alarmed by the prospect of extending MAID to people whose sole condition is a mental illness. — CBC
Is America immune to these same pressures? No.
As we become increasingly secular, the arguments that have proven persuasive in other secular countries will be more easily adopted here.
Many of us have already bought into part of the premise of killing the medially unfit. Or have you never considered why it’s so urgent to test for birth defects in utero?
The (sometimes unspoken) assumption is, that if your unborn kid has a disability, he’ll be aborted so mom and dad can try again for a perfect one.
Sure, it skips the gas chamber step.
But whichever scenario you are looking at, they have something uniting them in their core.
The decision flows from a mind that has crunched the cost-benefit numbers on exactly the same kind of moral math: does this person really deserve to live?
Sources Cited:
The Conversation
Fox News