
SO NASTY: Dem Senate Staffer Canned After Filming Sex Tape In “Sacred” Halls Of Congress

Seems a little more serious than putting your feet on Pelosi's desk

“Sexual Congress” used to be an old-timey word for getting laid. Democrat staffers took that phrase a little TOO literally.

In the years since Jill Biden told us that ‘decency is on the ballot’, we have seen exactly what their brand of ‘decency’ looks like.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

If you’re wondering about that photo in the bottom-right corner, that was one of the less objectionable images from an obscene video filmed by two naked men. The video that got a Dem Senate staffer fired.

That’s right, it didn’t take long for Dems to spin into full damage control after one of their Senate staffers decided to a upload his after-hours work project to a gay sex site.

This is the guy who was let go.

First off, please know, when they say “GRAPHIC,” they mean it.

The video, which Rodgers reports was shared in a group chat with gay men in politics, shows two men having sex in what appears to be Hart 216, the cavernous room that has played host to Supreme Court nominees, the 9/11 Commission hearings and former FBI Director JAMES COMEY’s blockbuster 2017 testimony on DONALD TRUMP.

The, um, action takes place on the dais — right between where Sens. AMY KLOBUCHAR (D-Minn.) and CHRIS COONS (D-Del.) were sitting at a recent Senate Judiciary Committee markup, in case you were wondering.

The Daily Caller did not name the staffer, but conservative outlets identified the person responsible as AIDAN MAESE-CZEROPSKI, an aide to Sen. BEN CARDIN (D-Md.).

Cardin’s office, after not commenting yesterday on what it called a “personnel matter,” this morning tells Playbook in a statement that “Aidan Maese-Czeropski is no longer employed by the U.S. Senate.” — Politico

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  1. videoing sexual escapades in employer’s conf room table & sharing the video AND THEN blaming others when you get fired = depravity, poor judgment, delusion = another ”win” for the Democrats’ decades-long war on US culture. way to go, lefties!

    1. Hello. I’ve read about 10 different news pieces about this guy and I have not seen one that states he is blaming anyone. Where did you see that he is blaming someone?

  2. That SOB should get more than a firing. It’s more than indiscretion, it’s the degradation done to one of “The Peoples” sacred places in history. It was just more than gay sex, it was a statement of what this PERVERT thinks of America and he should get jail time. This is forever a stain on this location.

    1. Hello. I agree he should get jail time, like anyone else would and does. If we all thought the place was a “forever stain on this location” though then everyone should be made aware there is not a place on this planet where humans can go and sex has not occurred. It’s the thing that all humans do. just some do it in dumb places, just like some do it beating their spouse while drunk then blaming them when they get pregnant and think it’s someone else’s kid.

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