
Hey Biden: BRICS Is Making A Play To Unseat The Dollar — Do You Care?

Biden policies are not helping any

For the first time, India made an oil purchase in their own currency — rupees — and not the dollar. And BRICS has just invited 6 more countries to join their rival to the American petro-based dollar.

Before you dismiss that as insignificant, remember that together, the BRICS+6 countries make up 30% of global GDP. The additional six countries are Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and UAE.

What they hope to do is to unseat the US dollar as the global reserve currency.

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Various globalists have been cheering for exactly this outcome, thinking they can weaken the US economy and dictate the economic rules of whatever system rises up to replace the one we’re currently in.

Since he’s been in office, Joe Biden has made aggressive (but ultimately ineffective) use of sanctions, he has supercharged US spending, and he has slashed energy production.

These three things together have destabilized markets, weakened our dollar, and strengthened the hands of countries whose ambitions conflict with our own aims and national interest.

He is taking no apparent interest in addressing these global concerns. Instead he is touting his own domestic Bidenomics record and policy.

He seems to think we don’t know that ‘build back better’ was not his own home-grown slogan. He plagarized it like he does so many other ideas he tries to pass off as his own. Trudeau used it. Boris used it. And so did someone else.

Here’s a quote from the Word Economic Forum, written in July of 2020 at the height of the pandemic when Joe was running for the Presidency the first time.

A true recovery from COVID-19 will not be about putting things back together the way they were: we need to ‘build back better’, to ‘reset’, if we are to address the deep systemic vulnerabilities the pandemic has exposed. For businesses, building back better is about much more than corporate social responsibility: it is about truly aligning markets with the natural, social and economic systems on which they depend. It is about building real resilience, driving equitable and sustainable growth, and reinventing capitalism itself. — WEF

The bold text, obviously, was not in the original.

Remember how Robert Gates described Biden as being wrong on every foreign policy issue for four decades?

Biden seems hellbent on keeping his streak alive.

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