
WATCH: Wisconsin Supreme Court Candidate Slams Opponent In Concession Speech

"I wish that in a circumstance like this, I would be able to concede to a worthy opponent, but I do not have a worthy opponent to which I can concede," said Kelly.

Over 1.7 million voters participated in the record-breaking election for a seat on the Wisconsin Supreme Court.

The Wisconsin Supreme Court election held Tuesday broke the record for voter turnout during a spring election not coinciding with a presidential race.

Over 36% of eligible Wisconsin voters participated in the highly-anticipated election, surpassing the previous high of 34% set in the 2011 state Supreme Court race.

Democratic-backed Milwaukee County Circuit Judge Janet Protasiewicz won the crucial seat, defeating Republican-backed former Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Dan Kelly.

The court will now be controlled 4-3 by left-leaning justices for at least the next two years. During that time, the court is expected to decide on a pending lawsuit challenging the state’s 1849 law banning abortion.
Source: Fox News

More than $42 million was spent on the election for the Wisconsin Supreme Court, labeled the “most consequential race in the 2023 election cycle. The funding came mostly from outside special interest groups.

Predictably, the race got pretty ugly.

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Conservative groups warned voters that progressive Judge Janet Protasiewicz was soft on crime, which would leave Wisconsinites less safe with her on the bench.

Her opponent, Daniel Kelly campaigned on the rule of law versus “the rule of Janet.”

In response, Protasiewicz threw the kitchen sink at her opponent claiming that he was a pro-life extremist desperate to take away “women’s reproductive rights” and suggested that he was so power-hungry that he was willing to get cozy with the organizers of the January 6 riot in Washington.

The divisive race obviously took a toll. Kelly’s concession speech made that clear.

“I wish that in a circumstance like this, I would be able to concede to a worthy opponent, but I do not have a worthy opponent to which I can concede,” said Kelly. “This was the most deeply deceitful, dishonorable, despicable campaign that I have ever seen run for the courts.”

“It was truly beneath contempt. And I say this not because we did not prevail. I do not say this because of the rancid slanders that were launched against me — although that was bad enough,” said Kelly adding, “That is not my concern. My concern is the damage that has been done to the institution of the Court.”

“My opponent is a serial liar. She has disregarded judicial ethics. She has demeaned the judiciary with her behavior. This is the future that we have to look forward to in Wisconsin.”

“I have been committed to the rule of law my entire career. I understand this to be the most fundamental, basic promise of civilization and in its heart it lives in the judiciary, and if not there, [then] nowhere at all,” said Kelly. “We’ve had this laid out plainly for us — we can have the rule of law or the rule of Janet. The people of Wisconsin have chosen the rule of Janet and I respect that decision because it is theirs to make.”

“As I’ve gone around this great state of ours, everywhere I’ve gone, I’ve reminded the people that all the power to create and maintain governments in this state belongs to them and that all the power to decide who sits in the seats created by their Constitution belongs to them,” continued Kelly. “And I promised them that I would respect their decision in this race regardless of what it is — because that is what a servant does.”

“So, I respect the decision that the people of Wisconsin have made, but I think this does not end well. As I look forward, I hope — I hope it does end well. This has been a beautiful, beautiful life here in Wisconsin with all of you,” stated Kelly.

“I wish Wisconsin the best of luck because I think it’s going to need it,” he concluded.


Nerozzi, Timothy H.J. “Wisconsin Supreme Court election turnout breaks record as Dem-backed candidate wins.” April 5, 2023.

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