
What Do You Know About CPR — That Isn’t True? (VIDEO)

Reagan's quote about knowing things that aren't so doesn't just apply to politics

The last few years have been a wild ride for anyone interested in challenging their basic assumptions.

One easy example is that news is no longer seen as ‘merely’ biased. Now it’s corrupt, working in collusion with big tech and big pharma to push whatever narratives that Democrat operatives in government (including the CDC) tell them to say.

That’s enough to shake your confidence in the established order or things. But that’s not the only kind of assumption we get wrong.

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Sometimes, our confidence in a ‘known fact’ springs up through the simple reinforcement of Hollywood illusion. An example of that would be how many times in a medical show do you see people brought brought from clinical death by a medical team with paddles or chest compressions.

It’s great that we can save many lives that way.

But It’s only fair to be honest about the real-world limitations of the technique and technology we think of as ‘life-saving’… and what goes wrong even when everything else goes right.

Our friends from Bill Whittle’s website — the coordinates on both YouTube and ‘dotcom’ is BillWhittle — have graciously allowed us the use of their videos.

This one in particular was not only informative, but thought-provoking in Scott Ott’s concluding messsage as well.

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  1. if there is a 1 percent chance of saving a life you have to “try”
    Your not God, you can’t choose who your going to try your CPR on. You don’t want to “fracture” a rib !!!! You idiot “their dying” You don’t want to do it wrong!!!! …… what you might kill them !!!!! They are dying………do something even if they only have a “small” chance of recover………..

    1. I’m guessing you didn’t watch the video, or at least not all the way through.
      The debate wasn’t whether to do it for young and relatively healthy people with a good chance of recovery (if they are among the comparative few who are successfully revived).

      It was about another group, with one specific example of a survivor cited.
      I won’t rehash the details other than the woman whose life was ‘saved’ was something like 90 years old… and that extension of life she was granted…?

      It left the guy who shared that story (a pastor) with some questions about whether there is a point at which we have lived such a long and full life that we can embrace a graceful exit.

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