NOT GUILTY: Ken Paxton Beats Impeachment Attempt … Here’s A BRUTAL Highlight From The Trial
If this is the best they had to throw at him, it's a wonder he was ever impeached in the first place
8 more minutes of pure gold from the @KenPaxtonTX legal team today.
— Luke Macias (@lukemaciastx) September 12, 2023
This is the case that the liberals in the Texas House are making. #txlege #PaxtonImpeachment
The poor slob in the witness box never even saw the bus that ran over him.
He thought he was making a strong case against Paxton. In reality, he was digging a hole and throwing himself into it.
The crazy part about the testimony against Paxton in this impeachment process is that they never even had evidence of wrongdoing in their complaint… just a strongly-held belief.
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
An interesting wrinkle to this story is the timing of Paxton’s rival suddenly renewing a law license which had been dormant for a decade.
The defense team for Paxton has suggested that George P. Bush, who challenged Paxton for his office as attorney general, potentially plotted with either the whistleblowers or their legal counsel to undermine the elected AG.
During the cross-examination of Jeff Mateer, the former first assistant attorney general, it was revealed that Bush, one of Paxton’s political rivals, renewed his law license at the same time the whistleblower employees were reporting the AG to the FBI.
“Let me get this right in my mind. On October 1, 2020, you sent the general a text that we saw, right?” Buzbee pressed, referring to a message the whistleblowers sent to Paxton announcing their decision to go to the FBI.
“I did, yes sir,” Mateer replied.
“On the same day you signed a letter, seven of you?” the lawyer continued. “And coincidentally, on that same day, George P. Bush, who ran against General Paxton, … applies to reactivate his law license.”
“You ever hear the old saying, ‘There are no coincidences in Austin?’” Buzbee asked. — DallasExpress
The alleged involvement of the Bush family continued into the closing arguments:
Over the course of eight days, senators, who acted as the jury in this trial, heard from more than a dozen witnesses – including whistleblowers, Paxton’s former personal assistant and chief of staff.
During closing arguments, Paxton’s defense called the impeachment a sham by Republicans in Texas who don’t like the attorney general.”This is a political witch hunt,” Paxton lawyer Tony Buzbee said. “I would suggest to you that this trial has displayed for the country to see, a partisan fight within the Republican party … The Bush era in Texas ends today. We thought it had ended in the primary when Ken Paxton beat George P. Bush.” — CBS